Friday, February 19, 2010

A welcomed guest posted the following question... "Ask.Mr.Internet, what's the BEST way to pop popcorn?" Well, rather than bore you with a lot of technical data I'll post my answer in graphical form. First, make sure you have the proper ingredients:

OK, a cooktop is certainly one of those. In this case, you'll have to clean a few things up first. No problem...

This is beginning to remind me of recent attempts to wash my own clothes. In order to proceed, first I must #1 gather up my dirty clothes and #2 put them in the washing machine. However, first #3 the washing machine must be emptied of wet clothes and #4 placed in the dryer. Opening the dryer door only confirms my suspicion that in order to proceed I must first #5 void the dryer of its load of dry clothes which, of course, requires I must #6 find the wicker laundry basket which, in keeping with the current theme, requires that I #7 empty the wicker basket of dry clothes. In a bastardized form of FORTRAN, it looks like this:

goto #1
goto #2
suspend #2
undo #1
goto #3
goto #4
suspend #4
undo #3
goto #5
suspend #5
goto #6
goto #7
goto #1

I purposely left out #8 sorting and folding the dry clothes. I ran out of memory.

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