Saturday, January 22, 2011

Working title

An increasingly rare reader sends this question in to"Dear Ask.Mr.Internet, I am interested in buying some dogs to force me out of my house on walks and getting some desperately needed exercise. What type of dogs should I buy?"

Excuse me...some dogs??? strongly advises NOT to do that. There may be some magical number of mutts that, when grouped together, could provide some isometric benefit but, generally speaking, any number beyond ONE is counter-productive! Let me give you an example of that using the following illustration:

On a recent walk (and I use that noun loosely) around the neighborhood with our THREE dogs I encountered a family of three also out for a morning walk with their ONE dog.

Of course it didn't bother me that my family was back ensconced in a warm house while I struggled through the ice and snow, but the sight of the three of them decked out in Lands End gear with their beautiful Golden Retriever trotting head-straight in front gave me pause. By the time my little pack made it to the end of the street...well, here's another illustration:

When I complain about the daily responsibility of dog walking I always hear back "how good it is for you"..."what great exercise"..."well, you'd just be sitting around the house watching TV". I think I'd get more exercise lifting the remote control.

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